Friday, February 8, 2008

good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

"Quiet Times"
8"x10" acrylic on stretched canvas
Hm... I hope the image appears when I post this, because all I'm getting right now is one of those weird little boxes with a red x in it.
Anyways, revisiting the whole chamomile tea thing, but this time at the end of a good day, and in my brand new tea cup that I got from Morgan Imports today, which is a totally awesome store. It's got all the really great I-must-have-this random stuff in it that you would expect in an overcrowded semi-sketch junkish store, but it's clean and well lit and everything is spaced out well enough that you don't accidentally knock over anything fragile with your butt because you take a step backwards to appreciate the sunlight shining through a particularly pretty cup onto the wooden display table thing.
Warm fuzzies for everyone!
Post #39


  1. I love this cup. I bet it feels nice in the hand and has just the right weight :) Ever considered doing a whole series or study on this cup?

    I would love to see it travel through the different parts of your day. (Sitting on a stack of books or magazines, sitting near the art supplies, being checked out by the cat...)

    This cup has a story and I think you should paint it :)

  2. it is a wonderful cup, you're right- I hadn't thought of doing a series, no, but that does sound like a wonderful idea!
