Daffodils 4
5"x7" acrylic on hardboard panel
collection of Sandra Price
But I've been craving some springtime, and so I went back to some reference pics I took at Duke Gardens in February- so, pretty much, we're looking a few months into the future, right? Just three months or so, not bad at all :D
And I l-o-v-e how this one turned out, too. Happy. See how translucent the petals are? And the cool shadows against the yellows moments?
Also, I've been tagged! The tag-ger was the wonderful
Faye Christian Phillips (that's a link, click on it), and as tag-gee I'm to tell seven things about myself, and tag seven more people. Fun :)
First, the seven "things"
1. I'm a total bibliophile, and am always in the middle of some book. And I re-read all of the ones I own. My favorite author is Margaret Atwood (try her Oryx and Crake, it's an amazing post-apocalyptic dystopia kind of thing), and my favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe (no, he's not always as gloomy as the Raven. Evening Star is a particularly beautiful one of his).
2. I'm hopelessly and terminally motion-sensitive. I can't go on any ride that goes in a circle or upside down, can't look at a map, a book, crochet, or a sketchbook in the car, would rather ride in the bed of a truck than the backseat of a car, and I've just accepted the fact that I shouldn't eat for 24 hours before getting on a plane.
3. Used to be really, really religious. Not so much anymore.... kind of making a religion out of acceptance and moderation.
4. Yeah, the moderation thing. I smoke, drink, cuss, and break certain laws. All in moderation, of course :) At least by my standards. Hehe.
5. Love cats. Don't really dislike dogs, but cats are infinately superior. They have retractable claws, they don't drool, they don't bark, they don't jump up, and they purr. Awesome feature in a pet.
6. And I have the best cat ever. Truly. He's adorable, sweet despite the whole evilness thing, and he plays fetch. Yes, seriously.
7. I really have no idea how people run out of inspiration, or things to paint. I think I could be put in a closed circuit with only my existing reference materials and existing little still life thing-a-ma-bobbies and be perfectly happy creating pictures for the next decade or so. Hopefully that feeling will continue forever.
And the tagging of the people: