Monday, December 8, 2008

a corner of the apartment

Lemon and Windowsill
5x7 acrylic on hardboard panel
We have one window that gets direct sunlight for a few hours every day.... we back up to the woods behind the apartments. Which is a wonderful thing for keeping the sir conditioning manageable in a North Carolina summer :) However, lately Ive been fascinated by that corner of the bedroom, the way objects look on that windowsill.... and here I even included the trim, and the dings in the sheetrock, and the soft, variable shadows. Very proud of myself.
Along with the additional benefit that the entire place now smells like citrus. Turns out spiral-peeling a lemon with a paring knife is a messy business :D Ah, well, thats the sticky sacrifices we are willing to make for art, I suppose. Hope everyones having a wonderful evening!

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