Monday, September 28, 2009

Teddy Bear

5x5 acrylic on panel
Yay, warm and fuzzies, yes? Teddy bears are always good things :) And the painting of them... I just dont get why artists get so bent out of shape about the dangers of overworking a painting. I mean, it usually means that I spend way too much time on stuff, put its worth it. Like this one- when it was still loose and really brushy I liked it, yes, but it was many layers and scrumblies later when I really started enjoying it, when it got enough colors and textures to really seem fuzzy and foldy and huggable. Am I making any sense at all?


  1. lovely teddy, is he for the new baby or is he yours?!! He does look huggable and fuzzy.

  2. he is new- my Aunt Rhonda got him for Baby :)
