"Presence of Time II"
8"x10" acrylic on stretched canvas
I'm having fun with these paintings- even though I was bound to have fun with the one for tonight, just out of gratitude to the day for it being a Friday. Metal is always interesting, though- it really does seem like there's an infinate number of shades of grey available to paint with.

And here is yesterday's- a successful post! Curiously enough, after my little rant yesterday Clearwire emailed me and then called me twice today, asking if I was having any troubles with their service and what they could do to help.
Not that I think the one was the result of the other. I mean, it's a remarkable coincidence otherwise, but still... it seems conceited to presume a connection, you know? Maybe. I don't know.
Well, the way I was raised causes me to lean towards being overly polite and never cussing, and besides the guy on the phone was very nice and seemed very helpful and carefully apologetic, so my response was not "You can wave the @!**?^& cancellation fees, because the whole %?@@#^! situation ?^%!!# ?#*^!@@&" (is there a system for doing those little cuss-wordy things?). Instead, we had a nice conversation where I told him about the problems we're having and he explained what they're going to do to fix it, and that if I have any more trouble I should contact him immediately and he would put the engineering team on it right away.
All of this is astonishingly civil for a big company, which is why I'm saying all this- I'm not deleting yesterday's because well, that was all true too. At any rate, Clearwire would probably be ideal for someone who travelled a lot to places that didn't necessarily have wireless, or something like that.
Happy Friday, everybody!
Post #46