Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cloud Study VIII

We never see to have clouds like this around here, but some came through today! I am a huge, huge fan of Ambera Wellman, and I just had to try this painting :)

Friday, July 30, 2010


A portrait of a sheep at the Museum of Life and Science- Naomi and I have started going every week, and she really loves the farm animals. And, for that matter, the baby play space and the butterfly house and the sparkly rocks and the drums and the bells...


My mother suggested jacks as a logical compliment to my marbles, and so I thought I'd try out a study of one... way fun! I like reflective surfaces anyways, and this one was so complex... another one of those things that always feels nice and rounded on the canvas, you know?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eggplant VII

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
Does anyone know why Dioxine Purple gives me such glare issues? Carbon Black does the same thing... gr.
But isn't this so cool?!? It looks great hanging on the diagonal like that, different enough to really 'pop' and the eggplant itself came out nice and rounded- the ultramarine detailing around the highlights really helped with that. And the fact that there's a cool reflected light on one side and a warm one on the other. I don't know why it happened that way, it must be because of the direction of the light, but it's a really cool effect.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


6x8 acrylic on canvasboard


6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
I'm so sorry about the delay on these! I was having camera-loading issues... it turned out to be the cord that connects the camera to the computer, so now that's all figured out and we ought to be good again :)
This one is a little too subtle for the camera to manage right.... it's a painting I keep wanting to do, but it never turns out quite right. This is the closest I've ever managed, and I really do like it. It's just the idea of fireflies on a summer evening, peaceful and flickery and dancing at the edge of the tress. Maybe someday I'll be working in a more abstract style and then I'll be able to really bring it to life?

Saturday, July 24, 2010


6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
This feels alarmingly spacious for being such a small skecth- I don't usually do landscapes, I just can't process them into paint, but I'm going to have to try something like this on a more involved level.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lemon in the Shadows

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
This is more of a lost and found edges sort of piece, trying to get the lemon to really jump out at you but in a realistic, convincing way. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Glass of Water

6x8 acrylic on canvsboard
I was looking through some old paintings of Duane Keiser's and saw a wonderful piece he did, all about the reflection in the surface of this small thing of water... so I wanted to try something similar :) I really like how this came out, especially with the ghosting of the white paint really bringing the glass forward.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Japanese Eggplant

6"x8" acrylic on canvasboard
Essentially a portrait of one of the eggplants... the fact that the cap was that rich purple really fascinated me, and the graceful curve coupled with the natural blemishes and the wonderful pale area there by the cap... couldn't resist :)

Monday, July 19, 2010


6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
This is kind of a funny one, I guess- the idea was to paint the two eggplants like two people, head and shoulders only, smiling and leaning against one another. Silly, but I really like the way it came out :)

Eggplant IV

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
I really wanted to think up a clever title for this one, but failed utterly. Maybe it's the whole 2 a.m. thing? Well, I'll try again tomorrow- I think I'm going to do a few more eggplant dailies, I enjoyed this one so much :)

Garlic and Reflection

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
'nother garlic on blue. And yet it doesn't feel old, you know? Maybe because I left more of the paper on this one, it changes the shape, or maybe because of the reflection.... always growing.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cherry Reflection

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
What was I saying about reflections, again?
Just kidding :) But that was fun, and the halo of white around the cherry itself really ended up looking pretty cool- it's an effect I've been interested in, but wasn't entirely aure about trying, you know?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tomato Reflections

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
More tomatoes, more restricted palette stuff... and my new light-colored reflective surface. I'm enjoying the reflections thing entirely too much!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
This little one was so cute I just had to play around a bit, find the angle that made it look the most upbeat, you know? Also, I'm back to the primary colors and white thing again. Just for a few paintings :) This one is brighter than it seems here- I didn't get a chance to photograph it before the sun went down :(

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mango on Blue

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
Same mango, different colors, different day. So much fun! I really love how the mango itself jumps out because it's painted with all these transparent glazes while the background is that nice opaque blue.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mango on Green

6x6 acrylic on canvasboard
And a mango, admiring its own reflection :D I was complaining to myself that I don't much like eating the fruits that I most love to paint, and that the ones I love to eat... but I was wrong. I already knew I was generalizing, but I was just regular old wrong :) I can't really cut a mango in half and paint it that way, theres the stupid pit to consider, but I realized that the outside of a mango is every bit as expressive and personable as a pear!
This one was fun to paint, once I figured out the color change- I actually had to paint it back to white and let it dry once, so I could start over with new glazes of color on the actual mango part, but it was worth it...
And this is the little Nugget- nine months old today! She's walking now, and of course is still the most beautiful, perfect little girl in the whole wide world. Not that I'm biased or anything :)


6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
My eighteenth egg... and the first one with a reflection like this. I used the same dark reflective surface as with "Three and One" and "Mirroring".... still in love with the effect. And I want to do a hunormous egg, like 30"x30", maybe with a similar composition? Need to go out and get some more black paint, first... it amazes me how fast I go through black and white.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pomegranate III

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
Pretty, pretty.... wish I had the nerve to try and paint it once it's cracked open, though! I will one of these days.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pear on Blue

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
... or at least the purchasing part ought to work- I think etsy may be on the fritz at the moment, but I can't tell for sure. Silly computers :)

Yellow Tulip

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
Yellow again, but set against brown instead of blue this time... and with some glass thrown in for good measure. Tulips are such a graceful flower, don't you think?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yellow Onion

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
I believe this is my first ever painting of an onion, and I am totally digging it, especially against that ambiguous blue background.... it's a very different sort of surface, very interesting. Maybe I ought to try one cut in half at some point?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

from the Festival for the Eno

markers on vellum
and Naomi watching the crowds. She was there all three days with me, and did wonderful! She liked the music, of course, and all of the great people who came by to see her, and the mist tent, and the parade...

Here she is again, all tired out :)


chalk and colored pencil on toned paper
and one of the boys. the light that made it past his hat and into his beard was just irresistible!
charcoal, chalk, and colored pencil on toned paper
the Eno during the Festival is a bit of a sketchers paradise- strong lighting, obviously, and interesting hairdos, big sunglasses, and all different amounts of clothing...
graphite on vellum
I loved the way the sunlight struck her hair, and the wonderful way her open mouth and long, graceful nose came together with the arch of her eyebrows, somehow....
marker on vellum
because of her interesting hair- doesn't it make the most beautiful shapes?

Thursday, July 1, 2010


6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
Wow, I can't believe it's July already! Madness.... supposed to be absolutely gorgeous weather this weekend, too, you guys have to make sure to come out and see me at the Festival for the Eno on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!