Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yellow Iris

6x8 acrylic on canvasboard
collection of Anna Wright
And another post Im not sure will go off right. Either way, Ill be back on, hm, Saturday. I think. With lots of sketches and such from the beach!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sushi III - All in a Row

5x7 acrylic on panel
Ok, not sure if this is gonna work or not.... more sushi :) Happy colors!

Monday, July 27, 2009

White on White

6x6 acrylic on panel
Going to the beach tomorrow!!!! So, Im about to try the thing where you can theoretically do posts for the next few days and have them show up when theyre supposed to.... if you dont see me again for a while, then it didnt work and the beach doesnt have internet access. We shall see :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Green Fields

I need to do exercises like this more often! I dont care what anyone says, you cant get any color you want using just primaries... but I limited myself to primaries, white, and black on this one, and its a good thing, you know, forces you to really look at the relationships between the colors youre trying to mix, and to really practice your color mixing- both very valuble things. Besides, Im kind of scared of greens, and so this.... well, is entirely green, seems like :)

Orange Candy

Just something small... having fun tinkering with orange :) More Cadmium Red Light and Hansa Yellow Opaque.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Abalone and Glass

8x8 acrylic on cradled panel
collection of Lucille Rice
And it will be available on my Etsy Store.... just as soon as Im sure its done :-/ I mean, I love it as it sits right now, but what with all the iridescence and all the curves that have to be just perfect.... not ready to make that call for sure right now. The colors are wild, though, huh? Get this: Burnt Umber, Paynes Grey, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Turquois, Dioxine Purple, Quinacridone Crimson, Iron Oxide Red, Hansa Yellow, Neutral Grey, and White. Which would be total overkill if it wasnt that crazy little shell. Oooh, and you see the rainbow in the marble? Fun :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


6x6 acrylic on panel
Nothing profound here :) Just alcohol. Or, more accurately, wishful thinking. Last time I actually had on of these, gee... Mark and I were going to Oxygen regularly, before it got all ghetto, and Addie was bartending every night. She always gave me like three cherries, though :D

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eggplant II

6x6 acrylic on panel
Got some perfectly adorable eggplants at the farmers market- Kermit eggplants, mostly, all white and green. Working on painting those.... but there was one of the more familiar variety in the batch, so thats what we are trying tonight :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Orchids on Blue

6x6 acrylic on panel
Something cool and soft tonight.... You know, today Ive been married to my wonderful husband for two years, and we are officially seven months pregnant. Im not sure why orchids felt like the right thing to paint, but they did... and Im not sure why time seems to go so fast sometimes. I suppose that doesnt get any better, though, does it?
Mark is on his way home from school, now, so I guess I ought to get off the computer :) Sending happies out to all of you!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sushi II

6x6 acrylic on panel
collection of Diane Schaefer
Trying the sushi again- just as much fun this time :) The red background is a bit unusual for me, I know- Mamas idea, but I think it works wonderfully with the subject!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sushi I

6x6 acrylic on cradled hardboard panel
Isnt this just too much fun? All the pretty colors.... Had some sushi for lunch yesterday and just had to bring a bit home to model :) The cat thinks Im crazy, understandably... Putting it in my Etsy Store, if youre interested- please do check it out!

Bottle Study

Dont worry, Im still here, and Baby is still safe and sound and inside :) We went to a birthday party yesterday that was supposed to be an afternoon affair, and somehow when we got home it was past midnight! Ah, well, time flies and all that... Catching up a bit today, of course.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Waterlilies III

Having trouble today... and its my own durn fault. Reading The Dangerous Summer by Hemingway, and I love Hemingway, always get so artistically inspired when Im reading one of his books (this is my first time through this one), but I can never paint worth anything when Im in the middle of one of them. Weird, huh?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Espresso and Lace

6x6 acrylic on panel
What kind of a crazy person decides to put a doily in a daily painting? Augh! Well, have to keep me on my toes somehow :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fishing at Dawn

6x6 acrylic on panel
Staying with the darker painting thing, apparently.... very peaceful, though :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beer Stein

5x7 acrylic on panel
collection of Janine ODonnell
Inspired by a recent trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art- they have a really cool silver collection :) Lots of fun trying to get this shiny enough, and after all that color yesterday I thought it would be cool to try something almost monochromatic, you know?

Monday, July 13, 2009


6x6 acrylic on panel
collection of Linda H Grote
I seem to have decided that, since I cant have any alcohol, painting it might be the next best thing :) And silly pink umbrella drinks... well, how can that go wrong? hehehe....

Sunday, July 12, 2009


You know, I think this is another first? Cant remember having painted tomatoes before... though I could be wrong about that, it seems like I would remember something so vividly red...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

White Orchids, Black Bowl

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy! Got a whole lot done today, but pretty much none of it was art-related :( well, Im going to try to get a little more done before falling out :) Hugs to all!

Friday, July 10, 2009

White Orchids

Love the background color.... something Ive been using more. You know straight Burt Sienna Light, neatly layered, looks like chocolate? I swear I want to lick my paintings sometimes :D Looks even better if you put just a little Alizarin Crimson on top... like a cherry glaze on chocolate cheescake or something.... or maybe im just having junk food hallucinations, huh? Seems likely.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rasberry Tea

6x6 acrylic on panel
collection of Jackie Tharp
Finally got around to doing the beautiful red-toned rasberry tea, like I was threatening ages ago... fun :) Also a new teacup. Ive got to quit collecting these things!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Early Moonrise

6x6 acrylic on panel

collection of Stephanie Petruso

Just tickled with the color of the water and the shape of the waves... and its the first time Ive ever tried to put some texture in the sand, too! Have I been having a lot of firsts lately or does it just seem like that from here? And I dont suppose I can count Babys First Trip to the Beach as such until she is actually outside of me, huh? Ah, well...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tea and Spoon

5x7 acrylic on panel
collection of Hilda Guillen
I know, I know, least creative name ever. Still, it came out very pretty, and Im glad I thought to do this- teabags are loads of fun and all, but I realized I hadnt done a spoon before, not with a transparent liquid like tea, you know? Always nice to find new challenges :) Now if I could just work up the nerve for iced tea...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunlight Rose

6x6 acrylic on panel
And once again, I have returned :) Thank you for waiting for me!!!!! The last few days... I decided to put in some of the cyanotypes I made for the Festival for the Eno ( ) which was a total blast by the way! It was really wonderful meeting so many people, getting so much feedback on my art... and picking up a couple new thingies to paint, too :D Got some gorgeous glasswork from Iron Mountain Glass- - a gorgeous old fashioned wooden doggie for Baby from Tobacco Barn Crafts, and some irresistable silver spoon rings from... Im afraid I cant remember, drat it! I will look that up tomorrow.
Somehow those peaceful vegetation-ey sun prints just seem like the right thing for three days in the woods, you know? Even though there were parts that werent exactly peaceful- Albannach played several times over the three days of the Festival, and that was amazing! is their website... some truly wild music, lots of drums and a bagpipe. Couldnt help but dance :)
This painting, well, I am truly back at home again. Nothing like a rose to say welcome home, I guess...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

White Tulips II

You know, I really, really like this composition! Pleasent sketchbook-ie surprise.... will have to try it for real :) Oh, and the next three days are going to be perfectly insane for me- I will try to update, but it might not happen! Will get all caught up either way, promise.... is it just me, or am I out of town a whole terrible lot lately?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Moonlight on the Ocean II

Something quiet and cool and soft... and totally from myimagination. Pretty unusual for me... Geez, Im missing the beach.