Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Smallest Things


A little daily painting that is all about atmosphere. Look at how the fish glows in the light!

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Dark


Darkness and light and a quiet observer.

Sunday, June 24, 2018



Something strange. I can't decide if it is more powerful for being so loose and brushy, or if the same sense of emotion would have stayed through further refinement....

Saturday, June 16, 2018



Something magical. The last time I worked with this canvas it was the first time I had ever tried to paint anenomes, and revisiting it taught me a lot. The clown fish really were there, yes, but I can't deny a bit of Finding Nemo delight in painting them!

Friday, June 15, 2018



Waterlilies have always fascinated me..... waterlilies themselves, and I'm pretty sure Monet had a hand in it as well. A point of transition is always wonderfully fascinating, and the surface of the water is exactly that.

Fairy Circle


Painting the Tiny Human! In her nightgown. In the yard. And a rather larger painting than I'm used to, and I believe the first time I have mustered the courage to do a figure laying on something as intricate as the grassy mushroomy leafy ground! It will be going up for sale tomorrow in the Strange Dreams Art Collective's Seasons exhibit along with the goldfish-and-succulent painting I shared a couple of days ago.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018



A beautiful early morning on the shore, the light making everything so delicate and high-key. And a beautiful whale shark on a pilgrimage back home.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Late Spring Rain


A little bit of magic for the Strange Dreams Artist Collective's Seasons exhibit, which opens on the 15th.

Monday, June 11, 2018


click here to purchase

This is the first year I've had a juneberry, and the flowers are these fascinating composite things, forming wonderful shapes and they're the perfect sort of dense white petals that glow a bit when the sun sets.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Summer Hollyhocks


Wandering around the garden, enjoying the bright June sunshine and the wonderful flowers. June is such a wonderful month, everything feels like summer but it is still early and all washed new.

Saturday, June 9, 2018



Little bitty daily painting of a very happy pollinator. I love the contrast between the gold of the bee and the purple of the aster, and the little bits of pink uniting them.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Beech Tree


Trees are seriously intimidating subjects, there is just so much going on. And then all those wonderful greens. I have usually been shy about doing landscapes because it is just so hard to know where to cut off the level of detail, but I really just had to paint this gorgeous beech tree down by the eno river, and I am ever so glad I did.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Juvenile Plumage


Birds are always so wonderfully paintable... this one posed beautifully, holding so very still while waiting for a fish to come close. That beautiful sharp head silhouetted against the dark water.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018



Focusing on the wonderful bright sunlight, and the way it makes some of the shadows on a sleeping flamingo absolutely glow red.

Pekin Nightingale II


And right back to birds again! Wonderfully bright-colored bird that I've only painted once before and definitely find irresistible.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Avocado Highlight


Look, it's not a bird! Not even an animal, something edible! Lol, something creamy was just meant to be today. Also I was making salsa verde. and wanted to play with dramatic brushstrokes.

Sunday, June 3, 2018



Having another daily painting go at an awesome, intimidating, wonderfully sculptural wildcat.



Capturing all of the excitement of a group of flamingos flapping dramatically, splashing in the sun.... it is quite the challenge, especially when the painting is so tiny! The colors and activity were just wonderful though, I had to try.

Friday, June 1, 2018



Something special. I LOVE mourning doves, they have the most subtle colors and the sweetest little sounds. There's about six of them now that come to my front yard, but they stick very closely in pairs.