Sunday, June 30, 2013

White Rabbit


Muahahaha! I am seriously crushing on my own painting at the moment, even if it is a complete change in pace for me.... maybe that's just the theme for the week!



Sorry I missed posting yesterday! This little critter came to me in a dream last light and I just had to paint it upon waking.... interesting, anyways :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Another Avocado


Ok, so today totally sucked. Ugh.

So I did a nice, friendly, perfectly conventional avocado portrait, and it turned out nicely. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.... and hopefully your today was better than mine!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sam Winchester


ok, hopefully you can still respect me as an artist even if I do fanart occasionally :) this is the first time I've tried any, but it's rather fun!

in case you're not an obsessive fan, I've been watching old episodes (very old episodes, my goodness he looks young!) of Supernatural lately, and just had to try to paint the Sam character. I never paint dudes, I know, but this seemed like a good exception to make.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Owl Dancer


Another one inspired by Saturday at Greensboro Summer Solstice! They had an awesome little parade sort of thing through the festival, and I took lots of pictures.... going to do the same thing at the Festival for the Eno next Thursday and Saturday!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Another cool mask! This guy was at the Greensboro Summer Solstice too, in a Zanni mask (commedia dell'arte). I love the strangeness of it all, and it was soooo much fun to paint :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Purple Moon Mask

click here to purchase

A fun little sketch, inspired by this past weekend at the Greensboro Summer Solstice art festival- there were so many people in cool costumes and masks there, I found it really inspiring!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some recent Whimsical paintings!

 Gentleman Goat
 Birdie Antoinette
Sugar Skull
As usual, the day after a festival I'm not too artictically productive.... mostly just getting all my new thoughts organized, and making some tentative beginnings. So here are a few paintings I just got up in my etsy shop!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

omg, this is post #2,001!


still in love with copper. this is inspired by a cave painting of a pregnant doe in the Inner Gallery at Niaux.

and somehow I missed it, but yesterday's post was #2,000! congrats to me :)

Friday, June 21, 2013



Today has been super frustrating. I have an art festival to do tomorrow, but I also had what I THOUGHT was a brilliant idea involving melting glass onto copper, but it was a total fail. So instead I painted on copper, and I am sooooooooo in love with it!

I've also had a big thing for cave paintings for a long time now, and this is inspired by a cave painting of a bowing stag in the Hall of Bulls at Nascaux.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


so.... is fanart always a little bit sketchy? I don't know. I've always watched Supernatural, but I've become a little more obsessed with it lately, and the Sam Winchester character is absolutely beautiful :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

another portrait sketch....

sorry I skipped yesterday! been super busy, between commissions and getting ready for the Greensboro Summer Solstice festival on Saturday!

isn't she adorable?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Purple Garlic


well.... just a little bit purple!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Toy Giraffe


Just having fun :)

And fair warning, I'm not going to be all "here" this week, since I'll be all wrapped up with getting ready for my next art festival on Saturday! If you're anywhere near Greensboro be sure to come see me....

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wind Up Monkey


Yay, monkey! Ok, you've seen this one before.... but I did a good bit of work on it today between working on portraits, and its looking pretty awesome. Although I only noticed today how it kindof looks like it wants to box, instead of doing the backflips it was made to do..... ah, the fight against one's destiny....

Friday, June 14, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013



Beautiful, beautiful daylilies. Definitely means it is summertime! Maybe I should go out and adopt some of the wild ones for my yard, what do you think?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Avocado Pit

click here to purchase

Nom nom avocado! Also, why have I been spelling it avacado all this time? My southern accent getting the better of my spelling once again, most likely.....

Anywho. You know I love painting these things, but after a while the full-frontal halved avacado.... there I go again, avOcado.... thing becomes something you'd like to try and break out of, but you're not quite sure how.... I think this works very nicely!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013



Such wonderful textures! Naomi and I found this last winter, and somehow I'm only just getting around to painting it :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Studio Newsletter


Universes Contained I
Universes Contained II
 Spirit Bridge
 I Dreamed I Was a Tiger
 Over the Moon
 Chicken Astronaut
 Gentleman Raccoon
Robot Goldfish VI
Ooof! Just sent out the Summer Studio Newsletter (email me at kelliemarianhill(at) if you'd like to be on my mailing list), got all these paintings up on etsy-three of them have sold already!- and now I'm getting them up on facebook and here on the blog. Next, my website! It's been a wonderfully productive week, I'm feeling rather proud of myself :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hand Mirror

click here to purchase

You may recognize this mirror, it has shown up in a few paintings! Naomi left it sitting in the studio, and I wound up painting it today, just as it was :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Little Pony

click here to purchase

So much fun to paint! Well, repaint in this case- I couldn't believe she hadn't sold already, but in Louisville several people asked me where her Cutie Mark was.

So I came home, and looked up Cutie Mark (seriously?), and discovered it hiding on her other butt cheek! Excuse me.... her other flank. So I helpfully added it in while playing around with the rest of the painting, especially the highlights and mane and tail.... it seems to be a lute or harp or something. I'm guessing that means that this particular pony is musically inclined :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Citronge Patron

click here to purchase

Om nom nom.

Or rather.... sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sheep Peeking In


Yesterday it was a rabbit, today a sheep! This sheep totally photobombed me, appearing in the top corner of a picture with exactly this crop.... she made me laugh, and I guess I just had to share that :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



We have bunnies in the yard! They're much cuter than the squirrels, that's for sure. Not to mention being less likely to eat my raspberries :) I just wanted to do a little sketch, it's been a while since I painted a rabbit!

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Single Cloud


Just something small and pretty, because we had a few of these around with the little rain showers today! The garden is so happy about it, and the Little One and I went dancing in the rain.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

High Thin Clouds


Here, I was trying to say a lot with just a little. I miss the beach, I really do.... I think I'm going to have to take the little one camping down at the ocean this year or something, I know we'd both love that!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Artichoke Half

click here to purchase

Artichokes are AWESOME. When else do you get to cut a great big flower bud in half and paint it AND eat it? Yep, that's pretty much the definiton of awesome :)