Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Falling Stars


My Little Kittenfish titled this one :) Well, her original title was "Is a Mommy an a Naomi", but after a minute she reconsidered and titled it "Fawwing Stars" which just seemed perfect!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



If you're feeling like I've gotten off track with the whole daily painting thing.... you might be right. Life feels very very strange right now. So come along for the ride, and I'll keep sharing beautiful and interesting things, I promise. I also promise I'll get back to more traditional dailies just as soon as I make it out to Raleigh and buy some more of those adorable little canvases :)

This, my friends, is a newly hatched fairy! I don't know how she managed to hatch out of her chrysalis fully dressed, and she didn't stick around to tell me- one of life's great mysteries. Perhaps with further study I will figure it out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Gentle Moment


Just something sweet. I can't help it, I love paintings of boobie time :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013



I seem to have an ongoing fascination with goldfish.... ongoing fascination, weird obsession, whatever you call it when an artist does it. Eccentricity? I also don't know what you call the silly little big-bellied goldfish, but this just made sense to me :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sleeping In


See, I told you, something finished! And very cute and silly.

Not from personal experience though. First off, because I'm not an owl, and second, because although I would like to sometimes, I don't actually sleep in a nest. Also, my little girl loves to sleep, and is amazing at it. Just like everything else :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

And another WIP

you'll get to see something that is actually finished tomorrow, I promise. there's a lot going on around here right now :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


today was a very strange day, and not one that included the finishing of any paintings..... so here's a gorgeous little portrait work-in-progress. love you guys!

and now I'm going back to a painting I just started, of a pregnant goldfish mermaid. life stays interesting around here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013



And back to the wonderful weirdness! Naomi modeled the hands for me..... and obviously, we have been spending a lot of time on garden-type-stuff lately :)

We even planted some more seeds today! I'm afraid we might be going a bit overboard, but it's fun, and I'm sure you can always find good homes for plants. Today it was marjoram, chamomile, and lime basil. And I kid you not, the lime basil seeds are already swollen a bit and looking gelatinous.... I'm a little afraid we're going to have little lime basil tadpoles or something!,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Last Apple


I do love this one :) Really, I've loved all of them in the series I've done! But my art seems to be going in a different direction, so fair warning, I believe this will be the last one like this. Not saying I'll never paint an apple again, but no more simple, An-Apple-Alone-Wint-Her-Thoughts type compoaitions, and least not for a long time,

I do so love the light..... especially today. I spent the morning hauling five gallon buckets of horse poop from my truck bed to my garden through the rain. So now I'm all wore out, but in a happy, dreamy, horse-poop-covered way.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Prize


Another one of those crazy ideas that came to me in a dream :)

And of course there are..... mermaid boobies! Or, if you're offended by mermaid boobies, they can be merman boobies. Nobody is offended by merman boobies.

And now, on to the Big Question- Why does a mer-anything have a bellybutton?

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Silly little puppy from last Spring's Whimsical Women Show. Dogs are friggin' hard to paint! And not necessarily because they have no attention span, because I obviously cheated and used a photo for this one.... I think it's all the fur. Hair. Whatever. Apparently I prefer painting skin.

And NO, that does not mean that the next painting will be a hairless cat. Both of my little shoulder-voices are telling me that would be even more difficult, lol....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tea on Blue


Not going to lie, today has been back and forth and all over. And snowy. And I got a lot of painting done, but nothing finished but this little one! Ah, well, we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sweets for the Sweet


Just sold several of my most favorite paintings through etsy- doing my happy dance! Hugs to everybody!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Discovery


Just a little off-kilter, maybe.... what can I say, I dislike Valentine's Day about as much as the average bear :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This Little Piggy


Sometimes a day, or a week, or something just isn't any fun. Gr. Sometimes it's just lovely until a certain time of day and it all goes downhill.
But there's always cute little piggies to make you smile again :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Smallest Touch


Just a whimsical little boobie time doodle :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


For those of you about to tell me it's actually still winter.... *fingers in ears* LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LAAAAAAAAAAA.....
The daffodils are blooming merrily here, and this painting came to me and just demanded my attention! Love it :) Of course, I always love painting my wonderful little Naomi :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Garlic Clove on White


There you go! A painting that will drive away vapires AND the flu!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Another Avacado Half


Hope you guys aren't sick of this composition.... it's just so much fun to paint! Pretty colors, great textures, the seed is so wonderfully rounded with the light coming down like that.... sometimes you just gotta play favorites :)

And now I've got to run around and get legos picked up before naptime.... then back to painting, I promise. I'm working on another old-favorite bit of subject matter....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Three Chocolates


Om nom nom.
Seriously, the possible Valentine's connection didn't even occur to me till just now! I've just got a thing for chocolate. And, today, for purple.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sleeping In

Just something sweet and cuddly....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Part of being an artist, especially a self-taught one, is being on this endless quest for your "voice" or your "style" or whatever you want to call it. And of course, I've felt like I was in a state of "almost there" for my entire artistic career :) But I'm really enjoying this piece!

My Little One, in an egg, a white raven watching over her. Both of them waiting.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gold Trim - Sketch


I've never tried to paint this teacup before- always been intimidated by it! Starting out with a close up sort of sketch is usually a good strategy for me :)

In other news- I've got worms! On the way to take Her Highness to dance class today we stopped and picked up a pound of earthworms, so now I have pets that eat my compost. They live here in the studio now.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Little Rhino


Had a LOT going on this weekend (no, none of it football related) and so this is just a reworking of a little daily from a while back that *I* think is adorable :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Flower Cup


Just something to warm you up. Because if your weather is anything like ours right now, you need it!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sketch of Payson


A fun little portrait :)
I was thinking "Payson in an Easter Hat" or something, but it was at her birthday and not Easter.... "Payson in a Sun Hat" but the brim is all wrong for that....
Ooh, I should paint a kid in a sun hat!
Anyways, eventually I reminded myself that it's just a sketch, and that's always an ok thing to say in the title. Titles are silly, aren't they? I mean, I'm a painter, not a writer!