Thursday, May 31, 2012

Eel and Avacado Roll

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Another sushi painting! Super cool textures and colors.... I don't know that any other prepared food is quite so paintable :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Crunchy Roll

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Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten how much I love painting sushi! Don't you just love the light on this one, and the little curliques of mysterious goodness?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Crazy Little Owl

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This is one from a little while back that I somehow never got around to posting! It's sitting on my desk right now, making me laugh :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Looking at Oneself

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This one makes me laugh- the one olive admiring its own reflection in the other one's backside! When I was in Louisville there was one little olive painting that everyone loved, and that sold very quickly- I wanted to try my hand at painting olives again, but with a twist of course :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


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All caught up, and feeling wonderful today :) I hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful weekend!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Brown, White, and Yellow

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and.... a cow. a very cute one. I love her eyelashes.

Duck in Flight

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And this comes from some pictures I took while Nugget was chasing ducks at one of the campgrounds we stayed at! We were tossing them breadcrumbs so they wouldn't go far, but with a toddler chasing them they had to do something! So they'd waddle really really fast and take off, only to circle back around again. It was so funny! I love how the blurring of the wings gives the impression of movement, but keeps that iconic duck-y silhouette :)


Well, this is a significant departure for me! We found some really wonderful parks on our trip, and this is from one of many shots I took of Nugget on the swingsets....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

WIP - Strawberry and Rhubard Pie

On the way back home from Louisville to Durham, we stopped in Mount Airy, NC (better known as Mayberry) for food and to stretch our legs. And to let the baby run around, since she had just woken up from a nap. We had lunch at Barneys, which was delicious, and went to Miss Angels Heavenly Pies, which was super cool too- I got some nummies for still life purposes, and they were delicious!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Magnolia Sketch

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I had no idea that magnolias could grow that much further northwest of us here in central NC, but they were blooming everywhere, and the smell was amazing! Not to mention the visuals- magnolias are so beautiful.

Hosta Flower


I'm working on bunches of paintings right now, all inspired by my trip up for Old Louisville Spring Fest- which was marvelous, by the way- and trying hard to get caught up here on the blog! Hugs to all you guys :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Apple and Mirror Ball

A definitely-not-a-daily-painting I just finished for the show in Louisville! I had so much fun painting this one- I've really missed using the mirror balls!

Monday, May 14, 2012

A and B

I'm so glad I get to borrow Naomi's toys for painting!
Also, if I totally vanish- well, I will totally vanish at some point this week- anyways, I'm leaving for Louisville on Thursday for an art show up there on Saturday. Don't worry, I'll get all caught up with paintings and posts when I get back!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Something silly :D

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Front Porch Swing

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Another evening piece. I'm blessed to live in an area with such interesting, beautiful homes....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Garden Path

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Two pictures of this one, because it was just so darn hard to get a proper image of it.... you know a painting like this is convincing when you go to photograph it and the camera keeps switching to "night scene"! I love it, though. It was supposed to just be a daily, but I think I got a little carried away :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yellow Change Purse

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Naomi got this when we went to the dentist, and she graciously allowed me to borrow it long enough to do a painting- I definitely want to try it again, there's something so interesting to me about the shapes, maybe it's the metal next to the gaudy yellow plastic....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meyer Lemon on Blue

Back to my usual dailies, finally :) Well, at least for a little while- I'm doing another show in less than two weeks (in case you needed proof of my insanity) in Louisville, and I expect I'll do some more whimsy for it....

Super Unicorn

Something even sillier than the other stuff I've been doing lately... gotta love it, though :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sailing Away

Well, it was a wonderful but long and crazy day, and I am headed off to bed!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spring Showers

My tiny angel :) Do you think people respond differently to my "whimsical" paintings than my more serious ones because of the spiritual component in these? Maybe I feel more free to express something abstract like that in a playful format?

Never mind me, I'm sleep deprived....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Raven in Opera Pearls

Ah! I love how this one came out! Birds in pearls... lol....