Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cloud Study

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Trying some of my own clouds, because I liked painting Degas' so much :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Degas Study

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See, this is why daily painting is so cool. I can see a beautiful Degas sketch on Pinterest, and because he's awesome but from a long time ago I can say ooh, beautiful, I've got to try that! Of course his was a pastel on sanded paper that was already that golden color, and I deliberately painted the panel that color to sketch over it.... but it is still a beautiful affect. I think part of the appeal is that the cloud is so nice and round, but with the edges of the painting showing, there's a very real reminder that you're just looking at an image.... I dunno. But that's what I'm thinking right now. And it's something I definitely want to keep experimenting with!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pink Bow

This was inspired by a friend's daughter, she is an amazingly beautiful little girl, with the softest brown curls ever- we went to Marbles Museum in Raleigh together and she had the cutest little pink ribbon in her hair, and I just had to try and capture that contrast- the pink ribbon and the soft, fluffy baby curls :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Into the Light

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This is a sketch of my baby girl, running out ahead of me, through a door, and towards the sunlight.... I love her so much, her joy and her willingness to embrace life :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ball Jar

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Another one from my Mama's house :) I don't know where Dad found these things, but apparently this is an old Ball canning jar from like 1907 or something- way cool. And very beautiful, in its own highly functional way.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Olive Jar

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Jeffrey Hayes has done some absolutely breathtaking paintings- of jars full of olives, or I remember a couple of a jar full or orange marmalade- and I was over at my Mama's looking for something to paint, and decided to go for a jar of olives I found in the fridge. Glass and olives at the same time! Awesome! So now I want to try pickles... and jelly... and I don't know what all else. Such a cool idea :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I guess this is a spinoff of the eggplant paintings... summertime nummies I've missed, and am looking forward to having soon! I've actually never painted a tomatillo before, I've always been a little intimidated by the textures, and intricacies in the husk, but I quite enjoyed playing around with it!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pink and Yellow

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It is so beautiful outside... springtime is a wonderful thing. So here is one of my Nugget's little shoes from last summer.... I do love painting her shoes. Personality, and cuteness, and interesting textures and patterns, they have it all.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Walking Home

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Different critter from the same herd- the walking on a slight incline... decline?... makes for really interesting little cow-shapes, it's amazing.... animals are so cool!
Also, Nugget and I went to the Museum of Life and Science yesterday, and the cow in their 'farmyard animals' area had it's head through the stall and was mooing at everyone... of course my little girl was absolutely fearless and had me pick her up so she could poke his nose and say "got you!", but geez, those things are huge! I mean it's head was the same size as Nugget!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


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Today I wanted to paint a cow. Or a bull. or a steer. I didn't get close enough to check the undercarriage, honestly, but he/she/it was very agreeable about posing in the beautiful low sunlight, so I went with it :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kermit Egpplant

I am going to make sure to get some more of these little guys when they come into season- they're just so cute! I've been scared to paint one, since variegation can be so hard to pull off... but it's worth it :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Black Beauty Eggplant

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I GOT it! You know how in certain feelings there's this, I dunno, vibe of size, weight.... you can feel the heft of the object no matter the size of the painting? That's a tricky thing to pull off, but I believe I got it here! Yay!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fairytale Eggplant II - Balance

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Eggplants are so much fun to paint :) I'll be able to do more seasonaly stuff soon, I hope... North Carolina in the winter means a lot of greens, winter squash, and sweet potatoes. But now that it is warming up.... asparagus is up in my backyard, and potatoes, and the rasberries are growing so fast! And we're having a nice springtime rain, but I'm taking Nugget swimming this afternoon anyways, and I can't wait!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fairytale Eggplant I

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Ok, so I was thinking 'what is something I really, really miss painting from summertime?' and the answer that came to mind? eggplant! this is one of those super-cute miniature ones, too :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gazing Up

Same girl as yesterday, rotated a bit.... :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


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There! Told you, not a horsey :) Strange little fairie girl with tangled blonde hair instead.... I'm telling you, the best thing about doing daily paintings is how much you learn, you know? I never would have tried anything like this on a "real" painting, but just look at the feel of the light? and that wonderful pyramid of her hair makes the best shape....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


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Same approach as yesterday.... and don't worry, if you're tired of the horses it'll be something different and brand-new tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


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With this one, I wanted to continue with the horses and so I picked up a daily from a couple of weeks ago and spent a while refining it further, and playing with the contrasts. Happy.
I'm feeling ok, and it is amazing what antibiotics will do when they're really needed- my Nugget is much better today :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Winter Coat

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Blech. The baby is still sick (we took her to the doctor's today and he said she has bronchitis, and now she has an antibiotics prescription, poor thing), and now I'm sick.... thankfully, this little bit of marvelous fuzziness was started yesterday, and I just needed to do some detail work today. Don't you just love that coat?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Perfect Bite

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Sorry, can't stop to chat- my poor little princess is sick today and needs more cuddles....

Saturday, March 10, 2012


'nother horsey :) I love the contrast in this one! that long, low sunlight makes the most beautiful shapes....

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tall Grass

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I'm going to do some more horse paintings, I believe. Beautiful animals, and so much more cooperative about posing than most people are....

Thursday, March 8, 2012


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This is my Nugget's puppy, Sparky. And gosh, painting black fur is ridiculously hard! Like, can I buy a pelt and just collage it in next time? Please?
But the good thing is, every time you paint something you're getting better at it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reliquary VI - Padlock and Green Silk

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This is another piece in my reliquary series, but I am totally proud of several unique aspects of it- I've never seen anyone wrap their box in silk like that, especially in a painting, and I love the way it feels! Of course, in order to do that effectively I had to hold the edges of the box back from the edges of the canvas, which is totally different for me, but look at how it pops once it is in a frame!
I got the padlock- a gorgeous, heavy antique one- from Broomfields Gallery up in the mountains the last time I dropped off new paintings with them. And now I'm off to see if they're got that new website up and running yet, because if they do that'll be a must-share.
The painting itself is in Bull City Art and Frame in Durham, though, so if you're in the area you should totally stop in and see it! I dropped this one, Marble Portrait I, and Windowlight- Apple off there the other day, but I've got them up on etsy too, for those of you who like too far away to come see :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


allright, this is a tiny little painting, but I'm really grooving on all the little subtleties, so I'm having blogger show it all big :) eyes are amazing, the shininess and the contrasts and the way theu're set in your head....

Tequila Shot VI

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Silly me, forgetting to post yesterday.... don't worry, I'm back again! Yay, tequila!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Windowlight - Apple

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Something pretty and nummy this way comes.... I do so love painting apples. Especially ones that obviously want to be painted :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Half Moon - Day

I do so love and admire good paintings of the moon.... and I believe I may have actually pulled it off in this one! Day moons are awesome. And much easier to get reference photos of than when it's up at night... though that'd be more dramatic, if I can ever pull it off.
The other night I took Nugget out to see the moon, and she insisted on climbing up on my shoulders, saying "Look! The moon! Baby climb up get it?"

Friday, March 2, 2012

Grazing at Dawn

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The inspiration here was two cows, quietly grazing, with long shadows and that early morning fog behind them. Peaceful and pretty, you know?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Horse - Silhouette

I am not entirely sure why, but I am loving this painting! I think it is because the sense of light actually came through, that is the trickiest thing....