Tuesday, January 31, 2012


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I know you've seen this one before.... but I spent some time today cleaning it up a lot, and I love how it looks now! I didn't think I'd be able to get such a sharp image on one of these mini canvases, but whaddaya know.... :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Antique Wrench

This one was a lot of fun to paint- the texture came through in such an interesting way! And of course the object itself, this gorgeous old wrnech that is so sturdy and beautiful but had been used as a hammer enough that the metal is all battered and turned out at one end.... it's just fascinating :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pear Half and Shadow

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I'm finally starting to feel better, and so is my little angel! Like we can breathe again and have mostly stopped trying to cough up our lungs and everything... *happy dance*

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Marbles in a Bottle WIP

This is one of those paintings that you know is a confirmation that you're crazy :-/ I think it'll turn out gorgeous anyways....

Friday, January 27, 2012

China Doll

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This is a doll that was my grandmother's, and is now mine... Naomi suggested that I paint it, and I'm glad I did, it was really interesting!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Key and Shadow

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I got a couple of really amazing things from Broomfields Gallery up in West Jefferson last weekend- including this key and to totally awesome antique padlock that goes with it. I want to paint them together so bad, but I haven't got the absolute perfect composition set up yet.... This is lovely, though. I like how it's flying. And how awesome it would be for someone for Valentine's Day :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Halved Tomato

Still trying to bring summer back :) It might be working- it felt downright balmy out today, and the daffodils are about to bloom, and the hyacinths have come out of the ground a good ways. I so want to get started on my garden for the year, but I'm afraid it's still to early! Ah, well...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Teabag II

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You might remember a teabag I painted a while back, a little 4"x6" one with a similar muted grey bachground... I've just been thinking about it lately, and want to try another ones. I think the next one I do will have to be used and still soggy, with little puddles of tea, but right now I really like the soft colors and textures involved with the ones that haven't been used yet.

Monday, January 23, 2012


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Glad to be back in my little groove :) Unfortunately my tiny angel is a bit sick, but at least that means I get to spend extra time cuddling her and readin to her...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Shoreline WIP

I've been working on this one a while.... and promise to be working on it a long while more, but I know it'll be worth it :) I love all the stone, and they're going to contrast so beautifully with the bleached, flooded grasses!

Knife Handled Monkey Wrench

and another one. Broomfields Gallery is amazing! They'll have their entire inventory up online soon, too :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dandelion VI - Half Blown Away

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And continuing with my dandelion obsession.... also, I'm going out of town for a couple of days, so don't worry if you don't see me one here! I will be back and all caught up before you know it :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dandelion V

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Something pretty and summery..... I do love dandelions :) I wish it would warm up and be springtime already!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Avacado Closeup III

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Back to the pretty avacados again. Seriously, is anything else on the planet quite this shade of green? It's very interesting, and can be so tricky to capture... well, it's the green combined with the butter-y-ness, you know?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sent out the January Studio Newsletter today!

 The Yellow Tutu
 Strawberry and Reflection
 Springtime Magnolia
Reliquary V - Blue Bottle, Blue Bird

... so I've got some new larger paintings to share, along with that :) I'm very happy with them. The Yellow Tutu makes me feel like I'm coming closer to incorporating the whimsy of some of my paintings into a cohesive style, and Reliquary V made me realize I want to try something with that concept that I've never seen before- and I've started tinkering with it, though it looks like the painting may take a while! Should I share, or should I keep you in suspense? Lol...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Avacado Close Up

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Naomi and I were at the grocery store the day before yesterday. and she pointed out that it had been a while since I had painted an avacado. Actually, she looked up at me from the seat in the cart, her little mouth full of strawberry, pointed at the huge pyramid of avacados, and said "What that?"
So we got one :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pomegranate Interior

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*yawn* pomegranates are awesome. as are close-ups. but I'm very sleepy this morning, so the words part of my brain isn't working, just the visual and painting parts... ya'll have a good day...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Apple Half on Blue

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Nothing interesting to say today... I'm extremely happy that I was able to find some more local organic apples, and I've got a yeasted apple pudding recipe I'm going to try with them this evening :)

Also, I've decided that Friday the thirteenth is a lucky day. Which makes sense in a way, since I already have a solid black cat....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lego Cat

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This is one of my little Nugget's favorite toys... she loves legos, but lately it is the lego animals that really fascinate her. This cat, and then the zoo set she got for the holidays- the elephant, giraffe, toger, polar bear... a bit of a random assortment, and very funny looking, but I love watching her play with them :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Apple on Black

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Once again, sorry about the glare :-/ The feeling is right, though- and I do love painting these apples!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hothouse Tomato

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... and right back to the eye-level thing. But not quite eye level with this one, because then you get just a sliver of shadow and things make more sense, visually. I want it to be warm a summery so I can get lots and lots of tomatoes, but for now I'm sharing this one with you :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Two Garlic Cloves

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Just a fun little painting :) Two bits of the head of garlic from a couple of days ago- yay, recycling! And now, as a further act of recycling... or maybe upcycling... these will become part of a kale and potato tart :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grape Suspension

This one obviously owes a big debt to the amazing and wonderful Neil Hollingsworth... and ohmygosh, the color of these dark grapes is so hard to replicate! I had no idea... but I think I'd like to try them again :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Garlic on Shelf

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Back to the nummies at eye level thing- I'm really enjoying it. And I feel like this is the most individual head of garlic I've ever painted... don't know if I'm explaining that right. The most like a portrait of one, rather than just the idea of garlic? It's probably because of that broken-off piece of paper.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Marble in the Sunlight

This is actually a reworking of an older daily painting, but it looks totally different now... contrast is a good thing :) I've been thinking about doing more large marble pieces again. What do you guys think?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cherry and Reflection

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Just something pretty, admiring its reflection.... heehee, Narcissus the cherry....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Peach at Eye Level

Allright, I know this isn't seasonally appropriate... at all.... but hey, it's way too cold outside, and I've been enjoying the paintings the last couple of days so much that I really wanted to keep that ball rollings, you know? I love how this peach managed to be both fuzzy and glowing, depending on how the light was hitting it. We're so lucky to live in a world with such beautiful things!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meyer Lemon

Yay, lemons! This one is destined for some lemon and ginger mousse, but I just had to paint it first- isn't that just the most wonderful yellow ever?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pomegranate V

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Sorry about the glare on the photo.... I have the worst time photographing paintings with super dark backgrounds like this! But I keep coming back to them, because they're just so amazing and dramatic... And pomegranates are awesome, too. They're such wonderful things to eat around the holidays, when you're all inside together and hanging out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Naomi in her Car

This is one I did for my mother in law for Christmas.... I definitely wanted to share it, especially since it's been a few months since you all had seen any paintings of my beautiful little girl. Happy New Year, everybody!