Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Appalachian Sunset VIII

18x18 acrylic on canvas
Same scene, just a few moments earlier :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Appalachian Sunset VII

24x30 acrylic on canvas
Got a lot bigger than those little studies, didnt it? I had forgotten how much paint gets used up on these big canvases, too....

Nautilus and Crystal Ball

8x8 acrylic on panel
Wow, had so much fun with this one! Waaaayyy too many colors, Im surely, but they all layered and glazed together quite nicely :) My first time trying the large marble in front with something else, you know refracted through it, clearly with everything reversed.... happy!

Marble Shots II

8x8 acrylic on panel
Revisiting the suspensions idea, with lots and lots of shinies... went more dramatic with this one, too. Really dont know how Id paint marbles without Phthalo Turquois :)

Friday, June 26, 2009


18x18 acrylic on stretched canvas
Not sure if we will make it the whole way through.... my laptop has most definately taken a turn for the wonkier. Keeping my fingers crossed! Other than that... had a lot of fun with this one. And it does look better in person... my camera has issues with yellow :-/
Technology- cant live with it, cant live without it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

White Tulips

6x12 acrylic on cradled panel
Im actually really wanting to keep this one to put above Babys crib... not entirely sure why, but couldnt you see it somewhere like that? *smile* But Im going to be good and take it to the Festival along with every other freaking thing in this apartment (sorry, started with the inventory list and packing things up today, and its a teensy bit overwhelming) ... after that, well, we shall see :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Evening Moon

So caught up in bigger pieces that I seem to just have time for these sketchbook pieces as dailies... not a bad thing. I think I came a good way with this one and the whole subtle-color-and-value thing, you know? And it feels nice to be able to finish something up really quick when youre tangled up in the bigger pieces :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moonlight River

9x12 acrylic on cradled panel
Busy-busy-busy! And, right now, really sleepy. Not the greatest time for it, but if baby needs sleep, then baby needs sleep, right? Muahahah! Irrefutable logic based entirely on doing what I feel like doing! (it does seem that way sometimes, doesnt it? kinda crazy...)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Evening Star

11x14 acrylic on panel
Pure summertime evening, here :D Used my imagination a bit, yes, trying to get those twilight colors... but the rose is one I'm grateful I found- have you ever seen one so gorgeously disheveled? Wish I could have really done it justice...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cloudy Morning

There! Same view, TOTALLY different atmospheric effects. Funny how the sky being a little bit green was easier than trying to figure out the exact right orange for going around the sun. I dunno. Gonna do something different tomorrow, something more familiar... maybe roses. Or those peonies Ive been leaving alone for way too long now because Im a little scared of them :) We shall see...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Appalachian Sunset VI

Listening to Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford, of all things. And zooming in pretty majorly on the same sunset... maybe ought to give it a rest tomorrow :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Appalachian Sunset V

Still trying to get a grip on those colors-augh! Just focused on a vertical slice of the sky for this one... used phthalo blue, paynes grey, dioxine purple, and some white in the clouds. Very pretty color but not... quite... right....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Moonlight Pond

6x6 acrylic on panel
Discovered that Phthalo Blue and Permanent Violet Dark make the most beautiful purples ever... needed a lot of toning down in this case, yes, and its a purple that mixes well with Burnt Umber, Jenkins Green, and Graphite (awesome!), which REALLY amazed me....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Red Plums and Stripes

6x6 acrylic on panel
Doing another patterned background, like with Blood Oranges and Polka Dots... I like that. I also seem to like this red and turquoise combination- just noticed, honest :) It is a nice complementary colors thing, isnt it? Doesnt hurt that the alizarin crimson works so well with the cadmium red! I always like it when my colors get along...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gold and Glass II

6x6 acrylic on panel
Followed through with my rasberry tea idea! It might have looked more red in an opaque teacup, but you know how it is, you get a new Shiny Thing and you just have to feature it for a little while :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Appalachian Sunset IV


Im baaa-aaaack! It was a beautiful weekend in North Georgia, happy 50th anniversary to my wonderful grandparents, and the cabin had the most beautiful view out over the mountains at sunset.... you can tell Im a bit taken with it :) So tricky, though! Its the subtlety of the colors- if anything is off you feel it immediately, you know, and I guess the way I paint or something I tend to exagerrate colors and contrasts.... works great in most cases, not so much with a subject requiring this much delicacy. But Im getting better!


Thursday, June 11, 2009


5x7 acrylic on panel
I have to admit.... I was curious. Could a teabag not suspended in tea be interesting? What do you think?
Oh, and youre not going to be seeing me again till Monday- Ill be hiding out in the mountains of North Georgia for the weekend. Hopefully coming back with some beautiful landscape ideas!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rose of Sharon

6x6 acrylic on panel
More summertime.... and a bumblebee, of all the things I didnt expect to surface in my daily paintings... like trying to paint a hummindbird or something, impossible, with the motion and the strange sense of suspension, this plump little body hovering above a beautiful flower, unexpected and dreamy, you know?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Waterlilies II

6x6 acrylic on panel
Definately a summertime picture, yes? Pretty pink reflections and all :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Blue Mug and Milk

5x7 acrylic on panel
Presenting the newest member of the household models :) Yay, pretty shiny blue cup! And milk, which apparently has the most fascinating little bubbles along the edges of the cup....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gold and Glass

8x8 acrylic on crandled hardboard panel
This one was an absolute bear, but I loved painting it. Doesnt make a whole lot of sense, I know, but still.... I mean, a glass teacup, what was I thinking, yeah, but the color possibilities are just so awesome! I actually painted this all the way through without the teabag, and it looked lovely but desperately needed SOMEthing to catch your eye or provide some additional contrast, or something.... shouldve taken a picture. Its always interesting watchiong how pieces evolve, isnt it?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Magnolia Blossom II


Trying something different.... I want to try a HUGE magnolia blossom piece, and I was talking to my mother about the other small one today, she made me realize the black background could be really harsh on that scale.... our next thought was a nice brown background, but with how much I love the brown undersides on the leaves.... so our next thought was blue, and I really think Im liking that on this sketch. Well see where it goes :)


Friday, June 5, 2009

Three Olives

Actually wanted to try an olives shot yesterday.... but I was much more confident in my ability to work with cherries. I have a monstrous time with greens, for some reason. Any other artists out there have one color that gives them trouble like that? You can imagine it makes foilage quite entertaining :) But these little guys were a lot of fun to do.... used Green Gold and Chromium Oxide Green as the greens, if anyone is curious. Bunch of other colors too- I love using lots and lots of colors and using various combinations of them to make sure it all comes out unified!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cherry Shot I

5x7 acrylic on panel
Yay, shot glasses! As to the fruit instead of the alcohol.... well, inevitable, I can have booze again in October, at least :) And if Im not mistaken, this is my first time painting cherries- I can see why other daily painters find them so terribly irresistable!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lemon and Tea

5x7 acrylic on panel
collection of Andre Follot
And we are back to my favorite teacup.... again! Its funny to me, that I dont ever get tired of the whole coffee and tea thing, but it always seems like such a beautiful setup, you know, so full of possibility... though I think I ought to try and do some iced tea soon :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sunset on the Water

6x6 acrylic on panel
collection of Breedlove Publications
Still very much in summertime mode, arent we? Only makes sense.... mid nineties today, not a cloud in the sky :) So I referenced back to some wonderful pictures from the last time we went to the beach, the sun setting over the sound.... Heres a question- have you ever kind of rediscovered a color? Like I usually... no, I never use Ultramarine Violet, but I stumbled across it in the bin doing some sketches earlier, and it was just perfect for this piece, you know? Happy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Magnolia Blossom

6x6 acrylic on panel
collection of Breedlove Publications
The perfect painting for the first of June! Love how the light came out on this one, with the translucency of the petals and the light shining on the leaves... and the wonderful shape the whole of it makes :) Anywho, its been a beautiful day, and I hope its been wonderful for all of you.... Monday-ness notwithstanding.