Tuesday, April 28, 2009


8x8 acrylic on panel

And the moral of the day is.... Im not a psychic. I know, I know, total shocker...

Woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day, the birds were singing just for me and flew into my bedroom to drape Snow Whites cape of freaking flowers over my pajamas. Bright eyed, bushy tailed, being so productive.... and then this stupid afternoon struck, and by the time I got home, really just wanting to bury my head in my bin of acrylic paint tubes and deny the worlds existence, well, by then Id decided that I couldnt paint and everything Id ever painted was ugly and I just wanted to go to bed. Grrrr.
Obviously I didnt follow the going to bed plan, and things are looking a bit brighter at the moment. Pretty unfurling pink roses brighter. Other than that.... phooey on Tuesdays.


Monday, April 27, 2009

White Rose

5x7 acrylic on panel
collection of Janine ODonnell
Had to keep reminding myself not to blend this one within an inch of its life... and it worked! Got some really great colors in here, surprised me.... Not sure how the rest of the week will go, folks, what with getting ready for the Whimsical Women Show- Ive always been a bit of a procrastinator, and thisll occupy a good portion of my time this week, Im sure :D But if youre anywhere in the area this week be sure to come by Saturday! More details tomorrow.... see, now you have to come back, hehehe....


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gardenias II

12x12 acrylic on panel

Perhaps a little early.... from a photo from last year, actually. It just felt like summer this weekend, and the whole gardenias thing felt sooooo perfect. Cant wait till they really start blooming! It might be soon.... I saw one early daylily showing its face weeks ago, and there are loads of roses blooming already!


Saturday, April 25, 2009


8x8 acrylic on canvas

Im liking this bright flowers against a dark background thing, it feels like such strong imagery somehow.... tough getting the flowers to feel balanced, though, isnt it? But at the same time, something that is so much the focal point has to be a fairly complex image, doesnt it? Hm.... its past my bedtime, and Im honestly not sure if Im making any sense at the moment, so Im going to duck out for the time being. Sleepy-sleep.



8x8 acrylic on canvas

Pretties and summertime :)


Thursday, April 23, 2009


36x36 acrylic on canvas

Perhaps the last of the birdies for a little while.... really feeling roses lately, lets blame it on the weather :D Roses and sunlight!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


8x16 acrylic on canvas

Pretties and birdies and such. My Mama told me once she watched the pelicans reall closely the time we went to the beach right before she gave birth to my twin brothers- that that was the image she focused on during labor, the pelicans riding the waves, smooth ups and downs. I really like that thought.....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

White Feathers

9x12 mixed media on canvas

Beautiful colors, just enjoying them and some nice, restful, flowing forms. And of course the pretty birdie.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Tequila Shot

6x6 acrylic on panel
Argh, I miss alcohol. Though not so much tequila shots.... more my beloved gin and tonic. Its just that tequila shots make for such nice, compact, prettily colored subjects. Ah, well, October isnt very far away, is it? And theres lots of stuff to occupy me along the way. Like frozen lemonade.
PS- Fun with this one! See how the background colors get all tricky and inverted? And how the light leaves that beautiful bluish halo? Awesome what turns up when you stare at it long enough!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cookout Sketches

Well, I wound up out of town for the weekend.... and if there is one thing that will totally and excusably prevent me from painting, thats it. Pig pickins are a true sign heralding the begining of summer, right? Though that is probably the only time anyone will accuse a pig pickin of heralding anything :D And this one had a Mardi Gras theme, of all things.... yes, I checked the calender, its still April. These things call for a bit of flexibility, I suppose. It was fun, yes :) So, some pages from my sketchbook from the out of town-ness.... and hopefully, business as usual tomorrow.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Signs of Summer

6x6 acrylic on panel
Tried to be looser on this one, more impressionistic or something- it seemed like it was the color that was important, those wonderful, rounded red strawberries.... that so much more than the details. Tonight, anyways :D


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daffodil VII

6x6 mixed media on panel - nfs

Messing with the transparency of the petals against a very nicely layered green background.... and while they do seem to have come out wonderfully translucent, something is missing.... maybe definition in the trumpet? That part is always the most challenging for me. Love to all of you.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Degas Study X

5x7 mixed media on board - nfs

Hm.... computer is being more than a little difficult tonight. No fun at all. So far as an excuse for doing yet another quickie Degas study.... well, I do love them, but the official excuse is, apparently, Baby Brain. Cant get a durn thing done satisfactorily (I also, apparently, dont have too firm a grasp on English anymore). Gr.


Monday, April 13, 2009

White Iris

6x6 acrylic on panel - nfs

Just loosened up and had some fun with this one. I should do more of these simple florals, they just feel good, you know?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Winniedog, In Progress

Little bit scary, seeing the in progress stuff, isnt it? Goes through a definate awkward phase... though I know this one will come out just fine- beautiful little dog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Horses Sketch II

9x12 mixed media in sketchbook

More horsies, playing with this odd sort of acidy green in the background.... very springtime, but perhaps a little too much?


Friday, April 10, 2009

Horses Sketch I

9x12 mixed media in sketchbook

And its springtime, and one of my facebook friends just had the most beautiful little colt, and posted lots of pictures.... must say Im jealous :)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Doctors Office

8.5x11 ballpoint on a stray sheet of paper

Booooorrrrrriiiinnnnggggg situation........


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


5x7 mixed media on panel
Good afternoon, good evening, good night- and happy thoughts of summertime...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DegasStudy IX

6x6 mixed media on panel
collection of Philip Barbier
Carrying on with last nights theme, and its growing on me even more. Its a good thing to take a break every now and then, right? And if by taking a break youre both recharging creative batteries and learning by imitating, then its doubly good, right? Hope so :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Degas Study IIX

5x7 mixed media on panel
collection of Philip Barbier
I couldnt think of ANYthing of my own to paint tonight- blaming it on the pollen or baby brain or something, just nothing felt right. Except this :D Gotta love Degas! And, just in case stupid punniesmake you smile-
Step on Degas
to make the Van Gogh

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Foggy Path

6x6 inkwash on panel
Having some fun with something just a little bit different- a soft morning, a little bit of mystery.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pansy IV

8x8 acrylic on stretched canvas
contact me at kelliemarianhill@yhoo.com for purchase information

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pansy III

8x8 acrylic on stretched canvas
contact me at kelliemarianhill@yahoo.com for purchase information

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mary Janes

6x6 mixed media on panel
collection of Judge M. Faith Angell
Babys stuffs and happy thoughts :D

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Early Summer

6x6 acrylic on panel
Or you will be able to click here to bid at some point in the near future.... I assume. Ebay is being most uncooperative with the image uploady thing right now :( But Im playing fetch with Dixon, so at least I have something to do while trying to get it through.... So, what do you think? From a picture from last summer, but I just had to revisit it :D